Seo & SEA improvement

Seo & SEA improvement

French flag for SEO and SEA services by DiginomanLooking for a french SEO expert?

As a SemRush certified web consultant in natural referencing, I can help you work on the french referencing of your site, to the point of permanently positioning certain parts on the first page of the Google or Bing search engines.

I can also strengthen your semantic cocoons and the sales funnels of your online stores, in order to generate savings for you in advertising campaigns.

Thanks to my experience in creating websites under WordPress, Shopify and PrestaShop, I can also help you optimize an online business site so that it finally has a good PageRank.

My expertise is proven by my 20 years of experience in the web and international professions (see About me).

Advertising campaigns with Google Ads, Google Analytics, Bing Ads or Microsoft advertising

Referencing services

Referencing Audits

  • SEO Audit: finding structural SEO errors in your web pages with professional tools.
  • Netlinking Audit: checking the quality of incoming and outgoing links on your web pages.
  • Semantic Audit: Checking the semantic cocoons of your pages and the quality of their keywords. 

SEO & SEA services

  • Business listing: Management of your Google My Business and Bing places for business accounts
  • Google Ads campaigns management.
  • Bing Ads campaigns management.
  • AI Prompting: prompts writing for Copilot and OpenAI.

My SEO & SEA services rates

*I am declared as an EI (Sole proprietorship). My prices are therefore not subject to VAT, according to Article 293 B of the French CGI (General Tax Code).
Prices indicated are therefore those that you will be charged, no more, no less.

Any purchase of image licenses to be integrated into your content will be subject to additional billing. I am not a web designer, but I know how to add visual, audio or video content.

SEO & SEA services quote request

Please indicate the estimated volume of pages to be SEO audited
Please indicate the estimated volume of pages to be audited on their netlinking.
Please indicate the estimated volume of pages to be audited on their semantic quality.
Please indicate the estimated number of ads to monitor. Please use the description field below to specify the duration of the campaign, the targeted personas and the available budget.
Please indicate the estimated number of ads to monitor. Please use the description field below to specify the duration of the campaign, the targeted personas and the available budget.
Please describe your need for SEO or SEA services